Sunday, July 19, 2009

& this is why i write:)

there are some thing, ok many things; that i shall never understand, but those things aren't in my control. i'm just a teenage girl, living in the same world you are. most people think there is noone out there who knowswhat they'rte going through, but trust me there is. i don't write to please anyone, or to make my self feel better. i write because it is a relief to know that i could be helping someone, i could be giving someone advice to help them with they're problems. thats why i write. see there are quite a few things about me that people never seem to understand.

i don't think otherpeople's opnion matter. i live to please the LORD, and noone else.

i'm a crazy chick, i trip over sidewalk cracks, dance with no music, and sing my heart out.

i'm addicted to mints, but dont chew gum. i could live off chicken, but i love sushi.

and after that, i really dnt matter. i've been through a lot in my life, and i hope that this can help those out there like me. every thing i have t say, i will include bible verses and storys, i'm sorry if you don't like that, but thats whon i am.

1 comment:

  1. Well, thanks for writing!! :) I just found your blog (don't worry I'm NOT a crazy cyber creeper but you put a link to it on and I saw it) and I like it a lot. what I like most is your heart. I'm in 11th grade in NS, Canada, I'm 16 and I also don't have a major big "exciting" testimony. I'm just a girl who loves girl things, loves God with all her heart, has an amazing Christian family and wants to change the world in some small way. So, thanks for the blog! God Bless, Martha
